DMS-101: Ultrasound Physics I (Spring 2025)

Course Description

This course reviews mathematical skills necessary for the study of sonographic physics and defines basic concepts. The mathematical review includes unit conversions, scientific notation, the metric system, decimals, binary numbers, and algebraic equations. The focus of the course is on tissue properties and the interaction with sound waves, attenuation, impedance, reflection, refraction, scattering, transducer function and transducer design.


Educational Outcomes

At the completion of this course, you will be able to:


·       Describe the physical properties of ultrasounds.

·       Perform mathematical functions and algebraic equations.

·       Describe the parameters of sound waves

·       Define acoustic waves

·       Describe and differentiate between types of waves

·       Recognize and describe the parameters that describe the strength of the sound:

  • Explain intensity and the ways of reporting it.
  • Variations created by propagation through biologic materials.

·       Determine factors of propagation speed

·       Discuss the basic processes of attenuation

·       Describe the phenomena that occur with normal incidence

·       Describe the phenomena when sound is refracted at a boundary between media where propagation speeds are different and oblique incidence.

·       Describe all the parameters of frequency

·       Describe transducer construction.

·       Describe the functions of the instrumental controls for 2D imaging.

·       Describe the focusing and shaping of the sound beam.

·       Differentiate between the different forms of resolution