AOS-111: OB/GYN Sonography I (Spring 2025)

Course Description:

This course will acquaint you with sonographic terms, reference planes, and basic anatomy of the female pelvis in both the gravid and non-gravid states. The identification, interpretation, and documentation of the relevant sonographic images needed to provide correct diagnosis are discussed. Gynecological pathology, fetal development, including complications in the 1st trimester, with their respective sonographic appearance will be emphasized.

Learning Outcomes:

At the completion of this course, you will be able to:

·         Identify anatomy, anatomic variants, and sonographic appearances of normal structures of the female pelvis.

o   Pelvic muscles

o   Pelvic vasculature

o   Peritoneal spaces

o   Reproductive organs

o   Suspensory ligaments

·         Demonstrate knowledge of pathology, physiology, pathophysiology, sonographic technique, measurements, sonographic appearances, and Doppler patterns in gynecologic disease processes.

o   Inflammatory processes

o   Congenital anomalies

o   Benign uterine/adnexal masses

o   Malignant uterine/adnexal masses

o   Contraceptive devices

o   Infertility procedures

o   Post-partum

·         Identify anatomy, anatomic variants, and sonographic appearances of normal maternal, embryonic, and fetal anatomic structures during the first, second, and third trimesters.

o   First-trimester structures

§  Gestational sac

§  Embryonic pole

§  Yolk sac

§  Early placenta

§  Fetal cardiac activity

§  Uterus

§  Cervix

o   Second- and Third-trimester fetal and maternal structures

§  Intracranial anatomy

§  Face

§  Thoracic cavity

§  Heart

§  Position and size

§  Four-chamber view

§  LVOT and RVOT views

§  Three-vessel and three-vessel tracheal views

§  Abdomen and pelvis

§  Abdominal wall

§  Spine

§  Extremities

§  External genitalia

§  Amniotic fluid

§  Placenta

§  Umbilical cord

§  Fetal cardiac activity

§  Maternal cervix


·         Demonstrate knowledge of pathology, physiology, pathophysiology, sonographic technique, sonographic appearance, measurements, and Doppler patterns in obstetric abnormalities of the first trimester.

·         Evaluate scanning protocol and modification(s) based on the sonographic findings and the differential diagnoses.

o   Indications and contraindications

o   History and physical examination

o   Related imaging, laboratory, and functional testing procedures

o   Clinical differential diagnosis

o   Role of sonography in patient management

Prerequisite Courses:

Successful completion of Semester 1


AOS 101 Abdominal Sonography I

AOS 111 Obstetrical/Gynecology Sonography I

AOS 101L Sonography Scanning Lab I

AOS 131 Clinical I

Required Texts:

Hagen-Ansert, S.: Textbook of Diagnostic Ultrasonography, 9th Ed. (2023) Publisher: Elsevier, ISBN: 978-0-323-82646-4(available electronically in the Library