CVS-101L Cardiac Scanning Lab I (Spring 2025)

Course Description

This lab builds upon Introduction to Cardiovascular Scanning Lab. You will continue to use hands-on training to learn echocardiographic scanning techniques. Scanning techniques include transducer and patient positioning, image orientation and instrumentation optimization to image the heart from multiple views. Emphasis will also be placed on the prevention of musculoskeletal injuries (MSI).

Learning Outcomes

Upon completion of this course, you will be able to identify and image the anatomy of the heart as seen on an echocardiogram. You will be able to perform the required views and measure 2 –D anatomy according to the Guidelines for Performing a Comprehensive Transthoracic Echocardiographic Examination in Adults, Recommendations from the American Society of Echocardiography, and the protocol of the clinical affiliates. You will get exposure to imaging with either left or right hands enabling you to fit in any lab setting.

You will be able to:

  1. Demonstrate transducer placement and obtain 2-d images for adult cardiac sonography according to practice parameters established by national professional organizations while utilizing proper ergonomics.

·         Parasternal long axis

·         Parasternal short axis

·         Apical four chamber

·         Apical five chamber

·         Apical two chamber

·         Apical three chamber

·         Subcostal

·         Suprasternal

  1. Identify all anatomy seen in the above views in both systole and diastole including:

·         Right and left atriums

·         Coronary sinus

·         Right and left ventricles

·         Valves: mitral, tricuspid, aortic and pulmonic

·         Left ventricle wall segments

·         Aortic segments

·         Pericardium

·         Aortic segments

·         IVC

  1. Perform M- mode at the level of the aorta, mitral valve and left ventricle and identify all anatomy seen.
  2. Perform all required 2- D measurements.

·         Right and left atrium

·         Right and left ventricles

·         Aortic segments

·         IVC


Successful completion of Semester 1



Ultrasound Physics I 


Adult Cardiac Sonography I 


Vascular Sonography I 


Vascular Scanning Lab I 


Clinical I

 Required Texts

DeWitt, Susan King, Echocardiography ... From a Sonographer’s Perspective the Notebook & the Workbook 8 to be purchased directly from publisher